
I work solo currently and as a person, I am extremely irresponsible so please don’t get your hopes up for timely releases. Since I’m new to translating and am learning as I go, I also don’t believe my translations are great. My skills are lacking and I suffer from burn-out quickly. I translate as a means of language practice, so if anything, my translations are mediocre at best. Feel free to leave suggestions or corrections.

I enjoy stories centered around female protagonists in game settings.
I usually pick up relatively unknown web novels that haven’t been adapted to light novels yet to bring light to how good a lot of them are.
If I occasionally seem stand-offish for no reason, all I can ask for is lenience. I don’t really know how to interact with others at times.

I obviously do not own the original source, only my own translations. You may link to this page and its projects as long as it does not lead to profit. I, myself, do not receive any financial payment specifically for translating. Please do not reproduce the text as the translations only serve to promote the original novel as well as its author.

もし、不安や不満とかあったら, ぜひ伝えて下さい。